We Can All Help!

06-05-2016Weekly Reflection

In the very difficult economic times of the last few years, many families found themselves relying on resources that they had never had to utilize in the past. Some households used their retirement savings or tried to sell their homes after a job loss. Others found themselves grateful for unemployment compensation even if it didn't pay all their bills. Some adult children found it necessary to move back in with their parents, while some families found help from a local food pantry or meal program maybe one to which in better times they actually made donations.

In Sunday's Gospel, the widow from Nain has lost her only son. In the time of Jesus, this was not only a personal loss filled with grief, but also a devastating economic event. There was no one on whom she could rely for support. With her husband gone and now her only son dead, the woman had nothing. She was in the very worst of straits. That is, until Jesus came along. Suddenly, the widow had renewed hope, as her son was raised up and restored to her. Her life could go on.

The plight of our neighbors in need today is not so different from that of the widow of Nain. While we might want to have Jesus walk into town and give them their house or their job back, we know that isn't going to happen. But that doesn't mean that something can't happen. Indeed, something should! As the followers of Christ today, we are his presence in this world. When there are people suffering, we are the ones called upon to reach out and help. There might be one or the other among us who actually can offer someone a job, but most of us will help in other ways. It can be as simple as buying one extra item every time we go grocery shopping to donate to the local food pantry. We can all help!

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