Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)

04-28-2019StewardshipCatholic Stewardship Consultants

The purpose of Sacred Scripture is in part to teach us about the faith, to provide to us what the Church calls "divine revelation." Our Second Reading from the Book of Revelation provides insights of which we need to be aware. The name of this Book – Revelation – is derived from the very first words of the Book, which are "The revelation of Jesus Christ…"

Written in Greek, the word translated as "revelation" is apokalypsis, meaning "unveiling" or indeed "revelation." As indicated in today's reading this book is written by "John…on the island called Patmos." Our Catholic tradition tells us that this is John the Apostle, although scholars sometimes disagree with that assessment and conclusion. We do nonetheless know what and where Patmos is.


What would Thomas believe?

04-28-2019Weekly Reflection

What does it take to believe that something is real? We live in an age of computer technology, with things like Photoshop and other programs that can enhance photographs, create realistic images, and mimic artistic renderings. When looking at a picture of something, we find ourselves wondering if what we are seeing is real or just the result of technological creativity.

Early believers came to believe because of what they witnessed in their new communities of faith. They saw people authentically living out Jesus' command to love and to show mercy. What do people witness when they see us in action? Would today's doubting Thomas' know we are Christian?


Happy Easter! Alleluia!

04-21-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Alleluia means "Praise God," in Ancient Hebrew, it means "Thanks be to God." Therefore, to be an Alleluia person means to be filled with praise and thanksgiving to God. A disposition of gratefulness and thanksgiving for everything… Because everything is grace: creatures, persons, events, thoughts, words, and deeds… all in life. To be a person who looks at another person, and in faith, in the spirit of God , says, "You are good and I thank God for you." Alleluia!!! Let us accept one another in the Spirit of the Risen Lord, believing that we can all rise up from the depths of our tomb (fall), and be an Easter person, Alleluia!, Thanks be to God.


Why Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving?

04-14-2019Weekly Reflection

Following on with our Lenten theme, I thought I'd share a few thoughts on fasting. I'll attempt to paraphrase a short article "A Reflection on Lenten Fasting" by Rev. Daniel Merz which can be found on the USCCB website. In the early Church there were two fasts. One was the "total fast" that preceded all major feasts or sacramental events. It was a means of watching and waiting… preparing for something (Christ). The second fast was a fast of abstinence from certain foods, e.g., meats or fats. This was more an act of self-discipline and self-control. We're going to focus on the first which is generally referred to as fasting.


Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

04-14-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Today starts our Holy Week Journey with the celebration of Palm Sunday. This week is like no other week in the Liturgical Calendar of the Church, a week filled with intense emotion and drama, all about the Son of Man who suffered greatly in the hands of men. He died an excruciating death and on the third day rose again to give us all new life. We journey with the greatest love story, Jn. 3:16 "God so loved the world, He gave us His only Son…" Jesus Christ our savior, His most precious one. We are loved so much, we are given the greatest HOPE, and we are invited to level up, to a new level of existence.