Fourteenth Sunday

06-30-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing

“Rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” Lk. 10:20

Joy is one of the marks of the followers of Christ. In the Gospel the 72 disciples returned from their mission rejoicing. Since the Gospel is a treasure, all who are entrusted with it should be spiritually rich, and have hearts rejoicing. Although radical poverty was demanded of them, they did not mind because they knew that they had a Shepherd guarding and providing for them. The Gospel describes the disciples coming back rejoicing for the many wonderful things God had done through them. But most especially, it is because “their names are written in heaven.” Meaning, that there is a permanent home for them in the heart of God, and safety and security in His communion.

Do I have the desire to share Jesus to others? Does sharing Jesus to others brings me joy? Do I experience the loving and tender care of the Father?

Be in God,

Fr. Bing