Twenty Sixth Sunday

09-22-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

“'My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime...” (Lk. 16: 25)

The parable disproves two wrong ideas: 1.) That the soul does not exist after death, thus, there is no life after death (no judgement after death), and 2.) The idea that worldly riches are reward to moral goodness, and on the other hand, material poverty in this world is a sign of punishment for our sins. There are many Lazarus in our neighborhood. Vat. II, Gaudium et Spes 27, “The Council lays stress on the respect of the human person: everyone should look at his neighbor (without any exception) as another selfE” God in His goodness has given us many gifts, thus, we have the responsibility to share with our less fortunate neighbors.

Be sensitive to the many Lazarus in our community. Like the rich man in the Gospel, do not fall into the trap of indifference and the sin of omission. Do I truly believe that there is life after death?

Be in God,

Fr. Bing