Thirty First Sunday

10-27-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Zacchaeus was a Jew, thus also considered the Son of Abraham. But because he was a tax collector collaborating with the Roman Empire, he is considered a traitor and a violator of the covenant. He abused his position, for this he was despised by his people. But Zacchaeus heard about a man named Jesus, who was proclaiming the mercy and love of God. In Jesus, He found a chance to come back to the Lord. When he heard He was coming, he ran ahead to have a glimpse of Jesus. It took a glimpse to discover God’s mercy, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” The conversion of Zacchaeus is a miracle of God’s mercy. God the Father works joyfully to accept the sinner who meets and welcomes Jesus.

Realizing his misdeeds, he resolved to amend and promised restitution for those he cheated. St. Ambrose said, “Evil does not consist of having wealth, but in not putting it to good use; for just as riches are obstacle for rich people, they are also means for virtues for good people.”

Christians are God’s children, do we honor that covenant? We all have positions of authority; do we use that position to abuse or for God’s use? Do I express gratitude for God’s mercy for me by my charity to others?

Be in God,

Fr. Bing