Word of Life

01-13-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The Wedding at Cana – “They have no wine” Jn. 2:3. This is the first time Jesus performed a miracle, at the wedding in Cana. We continue the theme ofthe manifestation of Jesus, the Epiphany, The Baptism of the Lord, and now the manifestation of Jesus’ divine power as the Son of God.

In the Scriptures, marriage is often used as an analogy for the Covenant relationship between God and His people.

The allusion of the wine running out goes way back to the Covenant of the Mosaic Law becoming obsolete – because Jesus gives the new wine, the New Covenant. So that at the end of time, the New Covenant will be fulfilled, believers, the Bride of Christ will be welcomed to the banquet of the Bridegroom, Jesus the Lord.

When our wine runs out, do we approach Jesus? Do we seek the new wine, the New Covenant as a way to prepare for the banquet of the Lord, the Bridegroom?

Be in God,
Fr. Bing