Fourth Sunday of Lent

03-24-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing

Bring quickly the best robe… put a ring on his finger…” Lk. 15:22

The beautiful robe, the ring, and the festive mood at the return of the other son are symbols of welcome, restoration and new life – pure, worthy and joyful - for those who return to God and their family, which is the Church. In the parable, the Son of God revealed to us the great mercy of the Father. He alone knows the depths of the Father’s mercy and His joy for every sinner that returns. Human fathers also forgive, but the parable presents the inner life of the Father’s mercy, because in addition to forgiving, He calls for the robe, ring, and festivities. The Father is faithful to his Fatherhood, faithful to the love that He has always lavished his sons. The fidelity is shown by the welcome he accorded the son upon his return.

What can I do today to be aware of God’s great love and mercy for me? Do I recognize God’s unconditional love for me?

Be in God,
Fr. Bing