God’s Generosity

09-13-2020Weekly Reflection

The last chapter of the book of the prophet Isaiah outlines all the spiritual blessings brought about by the new covenant. 1.) All are invited to the new covenant. In the image of abundance of food and drink, freely offered to the hungry and the thirsty. 2.) To attain this, there is a need for Israel to mend their ways, a need for conversion. 3.) The last two verses announced the new exodus, “In joy you shall depart.”

The 2nd reading from Phil. 1:2027 has an independent theme, Paul says, to live is to be with Christ. Because we have all been incorporated to His death and resurrection through our baptism. By virtue of his Apostolic mission, to follow Christ is attaining the enjoyment of the mystical communion between Christ and us. Jesus narrated the parable in the Gospel today: 1.) To answer His opponents who are criticizing Him for favoring the outcast than the respected members of society. 2.) Because there exists an oral tradition that says: “The last shall be first and the first shall be last.” Jesus noticed that the gentiles are being drawn to the church, while the people of Israel are rejecting His message. 3.) Taking off from the previous chapter, 19:30 “Many who are first shall come last, and the last shall come first.” In a reverse order, 20:16 Those who left everything for the sake of the Kingdom can still be last if they persist of looking for a reward and demand it.

God’s Generosity

1. In the Kingdom, there is no proportion between burdens and wages. One can argue, why walk the steep and narrow way to heaven, if one can take the conform of the highway? It is feeling of joy that the kingdom brings when one walks His path, it may be hard and tiresome but the satisfaction is God’s generous spiritual joy that it brings to one’s soul.

2. He is a just God and we cannot fool Him by taking the easy way of life. The way to the kingdom is steep and narrow, only those who journey this path will enter the Kingdom. We have always said, God is so different from us. Our ways are not His ways. God’s ways, His thoughts are so different with ours. The parable shows us that God is generous, unbelievably generous.

3. Jesus came for the sick and not for the healthy. Thus, He compares the sinners, the publicans and the marginalized people with the workers who found no work during the whole day. After the completion of the temple, there was so many jobless people during the time of Jesus. Was it the fault of the jobless people? How would they support their families? By hiring all those who have no jobs, Jesus showed He cares for their families, just like saving sinners who have no right for His help. God is generous, giving us what we do not deserve at all.

4. He is Generous All who worked, regardless of the number of hours they worked, received the same pay. Were the earlier workers treated unjustly? By no means, they were paid what they agreed upon. The employer was simply fair, just and generous. The problem was that jealousy creeped into the hearts of the workers hired early. Jealousy starts when we compare ourselves with others > that leads us to become envious of others.

5. When we live everything for the sake of the Kingdom, to follow Jesus, His generosity will reward us with the special throne in His Kingdom. A word of wisdom, “we must not expect anything but be satisfied with everything.” So that the great surprise will come. Our hearts must trust Him, that cares for us beyond all we can ask or think. That we are safe and secure in His goodness, and His unbelievable generosity.