Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Our Theme This Year: Real Presence – Enlightened!

The mission of our Edge program at St. Rose is to bring middle-school youth and their families to an encounter with the living Christ. At St. Rose, our Edge program offers a diverse blend of Adoration, catechetical nights, group-building, service projects, community building, and prayer nights. We also offer retreats throughout the year.

What Does Edge Look Like Now?
Our Edge program is designed to form teens in the faith. We seek to meet every youth in the program exactly where they are in their understanding of their faith, in their spiritual walk with the Lord, in their maturity as individuals, and in their leadership and service in our community.

We want every middle schooler to experience the living Christ’s love for them and to know, appreciate, and live the beauty of their faith by forming a personal relationship with the living Christ. Middle schoolers are at a transitional stage of life, and we want each of our middle schoolers to enter high school with the best faith formation possible.

Why Do We Have Edge?
Our Edge program exists to bring our middle schoolers to a personal relationship with the Lord and to nurture their faith to prepare them for high school. We strive to form a community of young Catholics who are excited to live out the truth of our faith. Edge seeks to bring joy and life into the Church by bringing out the joy and life in our teens as they grow deeper in the faith.

When our youth encounter the living Christ through the beauty of the Catholic faith, they will transform our parish, our community, and even our culture. Our youth are very transformational and passionate, and we have seen transformational teens “get it” in our youth ministry programs and transform entire families into finding a deeper love and appreciation for the faith and sacraments.

How Can I Register My Middle-Schooler?
Registration forms are available online or though the parish office. Contact Chris Bosn, our youth minister, at chrisbosn@stroseanthem.com or the parish office for more information.


How Can I Help Out?

There are many opportunities to help our youth grow in their faith, their love of the Lord, and their appreciation for the Sacraments.  Working with the middle-school youth brings many blessings and graces. There is nothing like seeing the moment when a teen “gets it” and is transformed forever by an encounter with the Living Christ. Please prayerfully consider helping out with our Core Team, our retreats, and our prayer ministry!

Core Team Members
Our Core Team Members engage, mentor, and build relationships with our teens as they grapple with their faith, their identity, their self-worth, and more. Core Team Members facilitate small group discussions and other activities related to the topic of the evening. Each Core Team Member makes a huge impact on the young teens they work with.

Core Team Assistants
Our Core Team Assistants help out by supporting our Core Team Members behind the scenes. Core Team Assistants substitute for Core Team Members when they need breaks, help with setup and cleanup, cover check-in and check-out, or help out in other ways.

Retreat Chaperones
Retreat Chaperones help our youth encounter the Living Christ during retreats. When on retreat, the youth bond, form community, come to a better understanding of the faith, experience the sacraments in a deeper way, and grow in their love of the living Christ.

Retreat Assistants
Retreat Assistants help out behind the scenes during retreats so that the Core Team and the Retreat Chaperones can focus on our teens. Retreat Assistants take care of behind-the-scenes responsibilities such as cooking, setup, takedown, check-in, check-out, liturgy, and more.

Guest Speakers
Our Guest Speaker’s give a short testimony of how their lives were transformed by the Living Christ. Our own stories from our own lives mean so much to our teens because of how real, honest, and relatable our own testimonies are!

What Will Edge Look Like This Year?

Our Edge program will be held each week on Sunday from 12:15-2:00pm, before the 4:00pm Youth Mass. Here is our short but exciting list of what is underway this year in our Edge program!

The 4:00pm Sunday Youth Mass
Fr. Samuel will be celebrating the majority of our 4:00pm Youth Masses. We invite all of our teens and young people to get involved and to consider serving as they feel called in our Youth Masses.

Basic Month Format:

  • One (1) Enlightened session
  • One (1) outing or service project
  • One (1) Fundraiser

* School and Liturgical calendar will affect some months

Basic session Format:

  • 15-minute ice breaker
  • 20- min Edge subject
  • 15 min trivia game (daily prizes and a trophy at the end of the year!)
  • 30 min Didache series

Introduction to Catholicism, 2nd Edition. Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this text covers the basic tenets of the Faith and what it means to be Catholic; to include an additional 200+ pages, a new design layout, and additional pieces of full-color liturgical art. 

This textbook, is used by high schools, home school groups, RCIA, and is also suitable for anyone looking to broaden their Faith knowledge.

Topics include:

  • The Holy Catholic Church
  • The Blessed Trinity
  • The Paschal Mystery
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary
  • The Sacraments and Prayer
  • Christian Morality and the Universal Call to Holiness
  • Social Doctrine

Retreats, Fundraisers, and other events:
This year is packed with some great events and activities for us to grow in our relationship with Christ and with each other. Our program will use signup genius for students to sign up for events, fundraisers, and special activities. Payments for events and retreats can be made with the links, or by cash or check at the parish office.  We have several fundraisers scheduled throughout the year to help keep costs of our retreats low. This year, each student will have the ability to lower their individual cost for each event by helping with the fundraisers. Students can earn $10 off per hour worked at any fundraiser towards any of our extracurricular events and retreats.

 In order to qualify for the discounts, each student must:

  • Be registered with the Edge/Life Teen program
  • Serve at the youth Mass at least once per month
  • Attend at least 50% of the activities / classes throughout the year


Please contact Chris Bosn in the parish office at chrisbosn@stroseanthem.com.