Jn 21:119 or 21:114
Jesus shows Himself first to Mary Magdalene, and one of the instructions He gives her is to tell His disciples: “Go tell my disciples to go to Galilee, and there they will see me (Mt. 28:10).” Moving the setting to Galilee, the disciples, Peter, and six others went to the Sea of Tiberias as instructed. Not knowing anything except that they must wait there, Peter said to the group, I am going out to fish.
READ MORERejoice! The Lord is Risen.Today, the whole of Christendom marks its highest feast, EASTER, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Behind the great salvation of humanity is the story of the Lord Jesus Christ suffering and dying for us. His death was the Redemptive Death. The whole redemptive act started when He was born: His life, death, and resurrection. But without His resurrection, His life, suffering, and death would be meaningless for our salvation.
READ MOREPalm Sunday signals the beginning of the Holy Week, the heart of the Church’s liturgical year. All our prayers, fasting, and acts of charity throughout Lent lead to this week. It is a week filled with high emotion and drama, the PASSION of the Son of Man who suffers and dies a cruel death, and three days after rises to give us new life. The Passion narrative tells us how much God loves us and how hopeful our situation is. Now, God invites us to a journey of faith, a way of life, or a new level of existence.