Discipleship and Mission

07-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Discipleship entails being a missionary, for mission is essential to being a disciple. The Father sent the Son, Jesus, to proclaim His Kingdom here and now. Peace be with you. As the FATHER has sent me, so I also send you. (Jn. 20:21) As the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sent His disciples, the twelve (12), to be witnesses. And now, we are also sent by Jesus to be a witness to the whole world. The same is true with the Church. Every disciple is a missionary by their baptism. Disciples sent to continue the Church’s apostolic mission in a communion of faith and life with Jesus. The Christian vocation is, of its nature, a call to the mission. (CCC. 863)


Love Not Hate

07-07-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Jesus visited His native place and went to the Synagogue on the day of the Sabbath. Since they heard good things about Him, they asked if He could say something; He took the opportunity to teach them. At first, they loved every word He preached and were astonished at His wisdom. But after a moment, they questioned His credibility and credentials. They could not believe that someone they knew could attain such wisdom and perform mighty deeds, and they took offense at Him. Familiarity breeds contempt. What started as an innocent question turned into contempt, doubt, rejection, and refusal to believe and have faith in Jesus.