The Multiplication of Bread

07-25-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

One of the most outstanding miracles of the prophet Elisha was the multiplication of loaves. A man brings food to the prophet and he says: bring this food to the people so they can eat — the exact number was twenty barley loaves. Elisha knows that it would not be enough, but he insists on distributing them to the people; not only will it be sufficient, but there will be some leftovers. Some of his disciples objected saying, that they would not be enough. Elisha knew that God is on his side and insists on distributing them because not only will it be sufficient, but there will be leftovers.


The Compassionate Shepherd

07-18-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The Gospel shows us the compassionate heart of Jesus as a Shepherd. Jesus sees the vast crowds of people waiting for Him on the other side of the lake. His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd. Seeing through their heart and recognizing the condition of His disciples and the people waiting for them, He pitied them. The disciples are tired and have little time to rest and even eat as people flock to wherever they go. While working for the vineyard of the Lord, we also need to take care of ourselves. That is the message Jesus wanted to convey to His disciples. They need time to rest, recharge, and reconnect with the Father in prayer (in a deserted place).


Discipleship Blueprint

07-11-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Discipleship entails being a missionary, for mission is an essential part of being a disciple. The Father sent the Son, Jesus’ mission to present the Kingdom of God here and now. Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, I also send you. (Jn. 20:21) As the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sent His disciples, the twelve (12), to be witnesses. And now, we are also sent by Jesus to be witnesses to the whole world. The same is true with the Church. Every Christian disciple is missionary by their baptism. Disciples sent to continue the Church’s apostolic mission in the communion of faith and life with Jesus. The Christian vocation is, of its nature, a call to the apostolate as well. (CCC. 863)


Goodness in Times of Rejection

07-04-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

In the Gospel last Sunday, Jesus tells us that FAITH opens the door to the power of God’s love and mercy. The key to receiving His power of healing and raising us back to life is faith. Jesus told the woman hemorrhaging for 12 years: your faith has saved you. And to Jairus, whose daughter died before Jesus could reach her, not to fear but have faith. But what can He do if there is so much doubt and the absence of FAITH? The readings this Sunday give us a picture and example of people in their terrible state or condition. He could not perform much healing because of their lack of faith. So, Jesus went to other villages to continue His ministry of healing and teaching. The Lord sends the prophet Ezekiel to the people of Israel to convey His message to them. It’s a difficult task for the prophet because the Israelites are obstinate and rebellious people. The Lord knows their rebellious heart but still did not give up on them. Through Ezekiel, God wants them to hear His words and to bring them back to Him. The people of this time are as rebellious as the people during the time of Ezekiel. Even though we have the Sacred Scriptures to remind us of His Law and Will. Plus, the Church’s mission to make everpresent the teaching of our Lord and God.


Have Faith

06-27-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Both stories in our Gospel today are related. It tells about the theme of faith, the power of belief in Jesus, and the advantage of knowing Him. It is also about despair and the effect of having faith in Jesus. Jairus, a synagogue official desperate because his daughter is at the point of death. Jairus heard so many things about a miracle worker who has power both in words and deeds. He desperately sought Jesus; He is his last recourse. The hemorrhaging woman is in the same situation, having gone to many doctors without success; her last recourse is this man they call Jesus. Both showing great faith in Jesus received what they wished for: the hemorrhaging of the woman finally stopped, and the dead daughter of Jairus, raised to life.


Jesus’ Presence

06-20-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The disciples were awestruck after they witnessed what Jesus did. There is power in His words that even the wind and the sea obey Him. They are left pondering the question of the real identity of Jesus. Most of Jesus’ disciples are good Jews. They believe that God alone has power over nature. And yet, they just witnessed a man who seemed to have absolute control over the forces of nature. And the ease that Jesus commanded the winds: Quiet! Be still! How is it that He acted as if with divine power? At this point, they had no idea that God has come among men.


God Makes us Grow

06-13-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

St. Paul says we walk by faith, not by sight. Meaning, for Christians, we have our faith and have total confidence in our Lord. We know the Lord is with us. He is on our side, working for our good. St. Paul, a man of faith himself, believes with confidence because he trusts in the Lord. The reason why we grow anxious, is because fear dominates us and we are afraid of losing control over things in our life. That is like walking by sight and not by faith.


Solemnity of Corpus Christi

06-06-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

In the first reading, the blood of animals seals the old covenant. In the Gospel, the blood of Jesus Christ seals the new covenant. The Holy Eucharist is the sacrifice of the new covenant where His flesh is real food, and His blood is true drink, the cup of salvation.

Before the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified: He asks His Apostle to prepare the Passover meal. The Jews celebrate the Feast of the Passover annually to commemorate their liberation from Egypt. The law requires all adult male Jews to go to Jerusalem; for this reason, Jesus went to Jerusalem together with His disciples. They follow the ritual of the celebration called the Passover Seder, similar to the Catholic Eucharistic Celebration.


Most Holy Trinity

05-30-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The Solemnity of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit gives us an opportunity to reflect more deeply on the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. In the Old Testament, the image of God often is associated with a father. When Jesus came, He speaks a lot about His Father. He identifies Himself as the Son, the begotten Son, sent by the Father. Towards the end of His earthly life, Jesus often speaks about the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Counselor. And Jesus said this about the Holy Spirit: He will teach you everything and remind you all that I have told you. (Jn. 14:26) Thus, we can say that it is the Holy Spirit that enlightens us of the mystery of the Holy Trinity. As human beings, there is a quest in man to know more about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: To ponder their one life together, which is the inner life (economy) of the Trinity.



05-23-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

In John, Jesus bestows the Holy Spirit on Easter Sunday Evening. While the Acts of the Apostles put this event at Pentecost, fifty days after Easter. Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of John rely on two different traditions. But it suffices to say that although different in presentation, it is good to know that the Apostles and the disciples received the ordinary and extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit. That is, on Easter, Christ gave the Spirit to a limited number of people, then at Pentecost, the extraordinary gifts to all present.


Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

05-16-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Luke the Evangelist is also the author of the Acts of the Apostles. Addressing Theophilus, he mentions the Ascension of the Lord. How Jesus, after His resurrection, appeared to the disciples for 40 days. He instructs them to stay in Jerusalem until they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then, they are to go to all of Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth to proclaim the Good News. And as soon as He said this, He was lifted - up into heaven before their eyes. To reenforce what they just witnessed, two angels confirm the Ascension of Jesus: Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up into the skies? That Jesus who went up into heaven will return.


God's Love

05-09-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Jesus loves us unconditionally and greatly: should we not be convicted by His love? Many times, our love for Him is shallow, wavering, and conditional. Yet, He loves us no matter what, and He even calls us His friends, “you are my friends, and I no longer call you slaves.” In truth, we all have a long, long way to go in the road of love. I pray that we all constantly pray the Jesus’ prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Let no one of us be self-righteous and proud.