22nd Sunday: A lesson in Humility

08-25-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

In Lk. 14: 7-14, Jesus teaches His disciples about the virtue of humility. When we do not take the “choice seats,” but take the lowest place, we learn to be humble.

“A humble person is blessed.” Many of our problems and troubles could have been avoided if we practiced humility to God and to others. Pride is disobedience to God, believing that we can do without Him. Thus, the road back to God’s heart is humility. As they say, unless and until we take this road, we will not have true peace.

Many of our problems can be healed only with humility. When we accept our failures in humility, reach out to God and to others, forgive others and forgive ourselves in humility, we experience true healing and freedom. As someone put it beautifully, the best “calming tea is humility.”

Proud people are afraid of being deprived of human worth and recognition. As a result, they cover this insecurity with pride and arrogance. May the Lord deliver us from our fears and insecurities and teach us to be humble and more trusting to God.

News about corruption both in government and private sector should make us more humble guides and lighthouses of morality. Pope Francis once said that the church should be a field hospital, be where the action is, go out and teach catechism, visit homes, and make a ‘mess’ in society.

For us priests, it is also a challenge to stop giving long, winding homilies, to prepare, and deliver inspiring homilies to become more effective moral shepherds.”

There is a story about a man at the scene of a traffic accident. Wanting to get through, he threw his weight around, and said, “Let me through! I am a relative of the victim!” When the crowd parted, there on the road was a dead pig, run over by a speeding truck. There you go! When you feel like throwing your weight around, remember this story.

“Your present problem was already solved by God a long time ago! Just trust in Him, and things will be okay.”