Nineteenth Sunday

08-04-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Lk. 12:32-48: Missio-destination

The Gospel says, to be “like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding, ready to open immediately when He comes and knocks.” Jesus wants us to be watchful and vigilant. May our worldly treasures: possessions, achievements, power, and prestige not sidetrack us, so that we lose sight of the real treasures in this life and in the life to come.

One of life’s greatest fear is losing something or someone of great value to us. I’ve always said, fear is inversely proportional to faith. As fear increases, faith decreases, but as faith increases, fear decreases. The sooner we learn to have faith and trust in God, the sooner we will have peace. Faith is surrendering and not managing, where we tend to control, push, and at times play games with God. Jesus reminds us, to seek security not in worldly plans and achievements, but faith in His will and providence.

Do you have an exit plan in life? January of 2001 my Father was diagnosed of 4th stage Pancreatic Cancer, back then the doctor told us that he has 2-3 months to live. We did everything to make it easier for him, make sure that he was nourished properly and managed the pain. He lived for another 9 months, he always told me, “I would no longer ask for an extension, God has granted me so many extensions, the last was to see you (third among the four sons) being ordained a priest.” He admitted that there were many hits and misses in his life, but it’s alright, in the end, he was ready to face his Divine Creator. He had an exit plan.

We don’t know how we will die...sudden death, a lingering illness or through a peaceful passing? Will we exit in shame, in bitterness, in loneliness, in anger; or in peace, where there is, patience trust and absolute surrender to God’s will? Let us all pray for the grace of a life well-lived, and a meaningful and peaceful death. What we need is a faith with mission-destination. It is a faith in God that we see all things, peoples and events in our lives as real, but passing. And as we journey on, we focus on our mission and our final destination > the heart of Jesus, the heart of the Father.

It is said, “Faith in God does not make life problem-free. Faith in God makes life despair-free.”

“Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of your tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then to put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.”

Lord, may we not lose sight of our MISSIO-DESTINATION.