Twenty Seventh Sunday

09-29-2019Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

“Increase our faith.” (Lk. 17:5)

The disciples asked Jesus to “increase our faith.” Although they have been with Jesus for some time now, they realize still their tendency to doubt, fear, not to forgive, and to sin. How many times have we succumbed to have more faith in our own efforts and resources rather than having FAITH in God. In truth, we are still men and women of little faith. Faith in God involves more than just professing and proclaiming it.

Faith in God involves a conscious and intentional relationship, with something and someone greater than us, who loves us no matter what. Faith, more than creed and beliefs is a personal relationship with God whom we trust.

When we have faith, do not glory in our service for it is no more than our duty. Do I believe that nothing is impossible with God? Do I find security in my faith?

Be in God,

Fr. Bing