The Good Shepherd

04-26-2020Weekly Reflection

The 4th Sunday of Easter is often referred to as “Good Shepherd Sunday” because the Gospel every year is that of Jn. 10:1-10, The Good Shepherd’s Discourse. Using two of the most common images in the world of shepherding, the “sheep gate” and the “shepherd,” Jesus alludes these images to Himself. The “Shepherd” image is easy to understand, like a good shepherd, Jesus protects, nourishes, guides, and leads His flock to greener pasture. We rejoice knowing we are under the Blessed care of The Good Shepherd.

The “sheep gate” is in the context of securing the sheep from wild animals and thieves in the evening. In the time of Jesus, shepherds gather their flock into one common sheep enclosure with one single entrance. Literally, the shepherds take turns guarding the sheep by being the sheep gate and keeper, sleeping right within the gate, charged with securing entry and exit to the fold by other shepherds. The sheep gate shepherd” knows whose sheep are in the fold; all shepherds pass through the gate while thieves pass through over the fence. The thieves come only to steal, slaughter, and destroy, but the real shepherds are there to protect and care for the sheep. The voice of the shepherd is also unique, the sheep recognize the voice of their true shepherd. Not only that, the sheep know their shepherd and the shepherd knows his sheep by name. They hear the voice of their shepherd, his voice echo in their ears, like the voice of the Good Shepherd that echoes in the heart of His sheep. It is the gentle and steady voice of a friend, sometimes piercing or penetrating the heart and conscience, it is the voice of the truth, the voice that leads the way, and the voice that leads to life. Jn. 14: 6 “I am the way, truth and the life.” Like the voice of Peter’s spirit filled preaching on Pentecost in the 1st reading. His listeners realized that they are hearing the voice of the Divine Shepherd speaking through Peter, the appointed human shepherd to lead the Church.

If we are faithful sheep, we should hear the voice of our Good Shepherd in this time of the pandemic. We must listen attentively and with all humility, we can hear the voice of the Good Shepherd in Scriptures, in the teachings of the Church, and in the guidance of the wise and true shepherds, and in our daily life with all the opportunities and possibilities.

Finally, the 2nd reading adds the important element on how to follow the Good Shepherd, patiently suffering for doing what is good and right. Christ suffered for us to give us an example by following His lead. The Good Shepherd leads His sheep by example, opening for us a new way of life, new way of happiness, new way of peace, and a new way of love and sacrifice. Because the pasture where the Good Shepherd leads us, is Eternal Life. “He guides me in the right paths… Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for the years to come.”