
01-02-2021Weekly Reflection

The entire chapter 1 of the Gospel of Matthew tells us about the origin of Jesus. While chapter 2 deals with Jesus' mission and life's purpose. He is the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy: He is a King, a new and greater king than David. The prophecies fulfilled - the star that signals His birth (Num. 24 :17), Bethlehem where the Messiah is born: From you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel (Mic. 5:1), kings of the

earth coming to pay honor to God and offering gifts and worship (Is. 49 :23, 60 :5-6; Ps. 72. 10-15). The child to be born is the Son of God who accomplishes the work of salvation that Israel did not accomplished. The Magi (not Jews) visit represents the Gentiles invited to salvation through Jesus Christ.

Magi originally mean members of the Median and Persian priestly caste who serves as adviser to a king and interpret dreams. Later, it evolves into people who possessed mystical knowledge as priests, astrologers, or sages. The journey of the Magi: In search for the Messiah recounts an oracle in the book of Numbers of a future king arising from Israel, and a star would be the sign that a great king is born. (Num. 24 :17) According to the most famous tradition, from the apocryphal Armenian Gospel, these wise men were kings from Persia (East); their names are Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem during the reign of King Herod. And behold, wise men from the East arrived in Jerusalem. Their arrival establishes the historical context of the birth of Jesus. Who is Herod? Herod constructed the new Temple of Jerusalem, but was known more for his cruelty. He ordered the assassination of family members (three sons) and anyone that could be a threat to his reign. Herod was called the murderous old man. His political friend Augustus Caesar once says: I would rather be a pig (hys in Greek) than a son (hyios in Greek) of Herod. When Herod heard of the Magi: it causes great disturbance for Herod because of the threat to his throne, and for the people because Herod's insecurity would unleash his wrath on them.

The Magi were wise men, but their knowledge had not gone to their head, but remained grounded and followed their better insight. After receiving information about the birth of the Messiah, they journeyed from the East until they found the Baby Jesus. They seek the new King to pay Him homage and offered Him their gifts.

  1. They offered Him Gold - They gave Jesus all their love, as pure as gold, precious, lasting, and purified from all selfish motivation. They love Jesus with all their heart and with all their mind. Gold also symbolizes fidelity and Nothing will separate us from the love of Christ. (Rom. 8:5) Their love was sincere. Is our love as precious and pure as gold for Jesus?
  2. They offered incense - We use incense for rituals of praise, worship, and adoration. The magi adored Jesus as In the liturgy, we use it as a sign to worship. In the Mass, we incensed the Gospel, Jesus is the Word, the altar, representing Christ, the gifts of bread and wine on the altar transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. The magi offered the Lord their prayer. Let my prayer come like incense to you, lifting my hands like an evening sacrifice (Ps. 141:2), as we often pray when we use it.
  3. Lastly, they offered Jesus myrrh - This symbol affirms the humanity of Jesus, His crucifixion, and death. Note: At the funeral of Jesus, they used myrrh. For the magi, it was a sign of their willingness to suffer themselves. Later, Jesus would say: Whoever wishes to be my disciple must deny his very self, take up his cross daily, and follow in my me. (Lk. 9:23)

Epiphany is the manifestation of the Savior Jesus Christ and the revelation of God's universal Plan of Salvation. May Christ be found in our work, prayer, and suffering. A Blessed New Year to all.