The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

08-15-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The readings for this glorious feast, The Assumption of the Blessed Mother, gives us a peek back into salvation history to an event in the life of Mary, the 2nd Joyful mystery, the Visitation of Elizabeth by Mary. In the 1st reading, Rev. 11, 12 describes the sign in the sky, leading to the 2nd reading describing the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. In a way, these readings are signs which direct the readers to their journey of salvation. The Assumption of the Mother of God into heaven reminds us of God’s plan for His people, a glimpse of the future glory of man, and the joy of the promised eternal life. “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (Jn. 11:25—26)

The praises of Elizabeth prayed and immortalized in the prayer Hail Mary: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” The prayer contains two mysteries: the divinity of Jesus and the divine motherhood of Mary: And how does this happen that the mother of my Lord should come to me. Elizabeth acknowledges that Mary’s blessedness is because she believed that what the angel said to her will all be fulfilled. Mary’s blessedness among all women gives a strong reason for her Assumption — God honored the mother of Jesus at the end of her life.

Mary’s response to Elizabeth’s greetings is the beautiful canticle, the Magnificat. The mother of Jesus praises God, rejoicing with her whole heart for His greatness and exalting the way of humility. Mary is the model of a joyful yes to God, even when we do not know everything, and to praise God for all things happening in our lives. Mary tells us that everything is a grace from God. He blesses us even in our most difficult moments. Allowing Jesus into our bodies through the Eucharist is like Mary allowing Him into her through the Holy Spirit. Mary trusted God wholeheartedly every step of the way — trusting God will also lead us to eternal life as she did.

We believe that Mary is the first to follow her Son into glory, body, and soul. In the 2nd reading, St. Paul reminds us that victory over death — is meant for all of us. It means that our life here and now: all the wonders in the life of Mary, the Annunciation, the Visitation, the mysterious vision in the book of revelation, and the Assumption point to the great hope of eternal life. Let us all bear with the uncertainties, trials, persecutions, and the crosses of life. Because like the Blessed Mother, holy are those who believe that what the Lord has said will be fulfilled. Mama Mary, open our hearts to the grace of God every moment of our lives.