Christ, the King

11-21-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Today is the Solemnity of Christ the King, the King of the universe. In the Gospel, Jesus reminds us that we are all part of His Kingdom, thus must remain loyal and faithful to Him. For if we truly belong to Him, we should know His truth and listen to His voice. Today, we hear so many voices in our journey of life, and sad to say, often we allow the noise of the world to drown the voice of the Good Shepherd, Christ the King. He is the King of the Universe; if we listen attentively to His voice, He wants to share His victory to all who have FAITH in Him. His Kingdom is of TRUTH and LOVE.

In the Lord’s prayer, we say: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Faith allows us to have joy believing that His kingdom will come, even though we do not see the complete plan of the Father. The key to accepting His Kingdom and Will is humility. The humility of our Lord gives us an example to imitate, “Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness, and found human in appearance; he humbled himself. (Phil. 2:6-8) Although He is King, the only crown He wore was a crown of thorns. Even today, His humility comes hidden or in disguise. He is truly present in the world but without splendor and glory.

Every year there is a gathering of the G-20 nations. They are the leaders of the 20 most powerful and wealthy countries in the world. At times, this becomes a venue or a showcase of power. New leaders flex their muscles or influences to show their greatness. It is also a display of the privileged and the not so privileged, the greater gods, and the lesser gods among them. Through it all, we can only wish that they do not forget that there is One who is the greatest among them - Christ the King - to remind them that all worldly power and wealth will pass. For us who believe, only Christ is our King!

The coming of the Lord as King reminds us that although He has power (on heaven and earth), He chooses to humble Himself for the sake of His mission for His Father. His message is clear - be humble no matter how rich, powerful, intelligent, holy, or popular we become. Helplessness and poverty are not signs of weakness for the Lord; and should not be for us also, but an opportunity to trust God with our loving FAITH. Let us be strong in FAITH that there is a God who loves, who provides, and who will always protect us.

This Sunday marks the end of a liturgical year but ushers the beginning of a new one with the start of Advent season next Sunday. Everything comes to an end. Human life comes to an end. The difference is, with life - it is not the dead end. Death could be a fruitful end. It is an end full of hope and promise because of the Lord’s resurrection and second coming. For this reason, if we have a chance to know the end of our journey (sickness and imminent death), we should face it not in fear and trembling; but with hope and gratitude to God.

We are a royal nation of priests to serve the Triune God. The way to reign with Him is to let go of our control and let Him reign in our hearts. Christ is our King, let us place our thoughts, words, and actions under His reign – To Him be the GLORY, HONOR, and POWER forever and ever. AMEN.