4th Sunday of Advent: Christmas Dreams

12-11-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Mt 1:18-24

When Joseph hears of Mary's conception, he fears for Mary. He knows the consequences of having a baby outside marriage: the ridicule and condemnation from society; and the possibility of death. He intends to divorce Mary quietly when suddenly - the angel of the Lord appears in a dream: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.

There was a seminar years ago on Listening to Our Dreams. They say that God speaks to us through our dreams, and because of this, it is imperative to learn the symbolic language of dreams to understand better what God is saying to us. Sacred Scriptures have several stories about dreams: The dream of Pharaoh (Joseph), Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel), and the dream of Joseph about the conception of Mary. What do we see in these dreams? God intervenes to enlighten the characters involved about the meaning of their dreams.

Going back to the seminar, it suggests that we honor our dreams. How? By acting based on the guidance given us by the Holy Spirit. When Joseph awoke, he did what the angel of the Lord had directed him. So, Joseph brought Mary to his home as his wife.

As we prepare to commemorate the birth of our savior, the Christ-child of Christmas, may we also rejoice at the many times Jesus is born in us. May we catch Emmanuel; God is with us, deep within us. And as they say: may an angel visit us to give us assurance and conquer our fears as we sing: May your dreams be merry and bright, and may all your Christmas be white.

Joseph listens to his dream and unconditionally obeys the instructions of God. The two characters who made Christmas happen are Joseph and Mary. They both had visions and probably had some fears when told that they would be part of His plan of salvation. But in faith, they both obeyed. Their acceptance of His divine plan was total and unconditional. This Christmas, may we have the same deep faith and belief in God. Looking at how God allowed His divine plan conditioned by the response of Mary and Joseph – affirms He believes in human goodness and His confidence in human partners in His work of salvation.

The Christmas story is the GREATEST STORY ever told. Let us tell the story again and again. But let us always tell the complete story; the best way to tell the story is to live the story. This Christmas, let us become living and walking Christmas people, the whole season or better - the entire year-round. Let us make Christmas beautiful and meaningful for us. Let us create our own Christmas story by making Christmas beautiful and meaningful for others. Yes, let us all make Christmas happen.