Walk by Faith and Not by Sight Mk 4:26-34

06-16-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

St. Paul says: Walk by faith and not by sight. As Christians, we have faith and total confidence in God. We know the Lord is with us. The introductory dialogue of the Mass reminds us of this truth: The Lord is with you. He is on our side, working for our good. St. Paul believes this because he is a man of faith and trust in God. Unfortunately, not all are at that level in their faith, and many are anxious for fear of losing control of their lives. That is like walking by sight and not by faith.

The parables in the Gospel teach us to conquer this weakness of faith. God is responsible for the seed to sprout and grow. Each seed has the inner dynamism to grow even without any direct intervention of the sower. More than the seed, the Kingdom of God has the inner power of growth. Listen to the parable; in the evening, while the farmer is asleep, the seed breaks from its shell and starts the silent process of growing. The farmer does not have any power over the seed’s growth. It does not depend on his farming knowledge and skills. Disciples are like the sower of the seeds who entrust that inner growth to God knowing that His Kingdom grows in secret. The role of the sower is not to affect the growth process but to cooperate effectively with God in building His Kingdom.

If we want to grow spiritually, we must trust God and continue to nourish our souls. Regular reception of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, the food of our soul: The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life. (CCC 1324) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, reading the Scriptures, studying our faith, knowing the life of the Saints, and receiving the Sacraments often in the Eucharist and Reconciliation. When we participate in our formation, we expose ourselves to more opportunities for growth. Our participation might be as small as the mustard seed, but by the grace of God, we could become a strong tree. Every farmer knows the yield is not only measured or valued by its seed. Jesus sowed the seeds in the heart of the Apostles, and now it has grown to be the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed helps us realize the importance of even the tiniest contributions or little things when they are for the service of the Kingdom of God. Jesus uses a mustard seed to show us that our ways are not His WAYS. Great things happen when God uses His power on small and insignificant instruments to carry His Divine Plan.

Although the Kingdom of God has a life of its own, it doesn’t mean we leave it as such. God’s grace is operative whether we know it or not. Still, on our part, cooperation is needed to effect God’s grace. God is the OPERATOR and we are simply cooperators in building His Kingdom “Here and Now.”

God tells us to keep sowing the seed go to bed and get up the next day in total confidence that He is in control, He is in charge, and He makes things grow. In His way, God will bring growth in His Kingdom, by His power, and in His Time. With God, let us all walk by faith, not by sight.

Today is Father’s Day, and our greatest consolation is that our all-powerful and all-knowing God is Our Father, whom Jesus calls Abba. He is Father God, who has a heart that loves and listens to our cries. Isn’t it a privilege to be called sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father?