The Power of Faith

06-30-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The story of the healing and the raising of the dead shows us that Jesus is omnipotent. Two completely different people benefited from Jesus’ divine power: A woman suffering from bleeding for 12 years and a 12yearold girl who had died. In both cases, faith made it possible for the miracle to happen. Take note that the woman with her hemorrhage and the father of the little girl overcame the crowd and put faith in Jesus in their hearts and God’s divine action flowed into their lives.


Jesus in Our Midst

06-23-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The disciples were awed and struck after they witnessed what Jesus did. There is power in His words that even the wind and the sea obey Him. They are left pondering the question of the real identity of Jesus. Most of Jesus’ disciples are good Jews. They believe that God alone has power over nature. And yet, they just witnessed a man who seemed to have absolute control over the forces of nature. And the ease that Jesus commanded the winds: Quiet! Be still! How is it that He acted as if with divine power? They did not know He is the Emmanuel; God is with us.


Walk by Faith and Not by Sight Mk 4:26-34

06-16-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

St. Paul says: Walk by faith and not by sight. As Christians, we have faith and total confidence in God. We know the Lord is with us. The introductory dialogue of the Mass reminds us of this truth: The Lord is with you. He is on our side, working for our good. St. Paul believes this because he is a man of faith and trust in God. Unfortunately, not all are at that level in their faith, and many are anxious for fear of losing control of their lives. That is like walking by sight and not by faith.


Spiritual Kinship with God and Others

06-09-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Scribes who came from Jerusalem must have heard the power of Jesus. What they heard was true; Jesus had power over demons, but instead of ascribing this power to God, they accused Him of acting in the name of Beelzebul, the prince of demons. In the same scene, the crowds criticized Him for being out of His mind or beside Himself because He failed to nourish Himself properly. Sometimes, the ministry could be the most unrewarding service; there will always be people up to the guns of criticizing, judging, and misunderstanding our intentions, methods, and actions. In ministry, most of the time, there is no such thing as a winwin situation: whatever work, service, or ministry.


Solemnity of Corpus Christ

06-02-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

In the first reading, the blood of animals symbolizes a covenant-making ritual. Sprinkling the blood on the people means God and the people are making the covenant together. The blood has two symbolisms: 1.) Kinship: God and Israel now share the same blood, and 2.) Death: May my blood be shed, like these animals, if I fail to keep my covenant commitment. On the other hand, in the New Testament, the blood of Jesus Christ seals the new covenant. The Holy Eucharist is the sacrifice of the new covenant where His flesh is real food, and His blood is the true drink of the New Covenant, the cup of salvation.