The Power of Faith

06-30-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The story of the healing and the raising of the dead shows us that Jesus is omnipotent. Two completely different people benefited from Jesus’ divine power: A woman suffering from bleeding for 12 years and a 12yearold girl who had died. In both cases, faith made it possible for the miracle to happen. Take note that the woman with her hemorrhage and the father of the little girl overcame the crowd and put faith in Jesus in their hearts and God’s divine action flowed into their lives.

The Gospel showcases the power of faith and trust in Jesus. It also shows how desperation could lead to FAITH in Jesus. The woman was desperate, and Jairus, a synagogue official, was more desperate because his daughter was at the point of death. Jairus probably heard accounts about Jesus’ miracles and desperately sought Him. The hemorrhaging woman is in the same situation, having gone to many doctors without success; her last recourse is this man they call Jesus. Their faith in Jesus earned them what they prayed for. The hemorrhaging of the woman finally stopped, and the little girl raised to life.

Because the woman hemorrhages nonstop, her religious community declares her an outcast. The continuous flow of blood makes her ritually unclean. Look how St. Mark describes the boldness of her faith: If I but touch His clothes, I shall be cured. In her desperation, she went and touched the cloak of Jesus. Because of her faith, the healing power of Jesus stopped her bleeding. He then engaged her in a conversation, ensuring she got everything right. It was not magic that cured her but faith in Him. Her faith may seem imperfect or at its early stage, but that was enough for Jesus to stop her hemorrhaging. Her touch expressed a belief that Jesus was the only one who could cure her. Her touch means she believed. (St. Augustine, In Ioannis Evangelium, 26,3)

Jairus was desperate to seek the intervention of Jesus for his daughter. He overcomes the pride of being a synagogue official who is seeking the help of Jesus to intercede for his dying daughter. The reward of his faith and patience is the raising of the little girl back to life by Jesus.

The healing of the woman and the raising of the dead girl in the Gospel remind us that in times of hopelessness or despair we ought to strengthen our faith in the power of Jesus. Jesus says: I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible. (Mt. 17:20)

The world wants us to believe and operate only on verifiable facts, figures, and fortunes. But the Gospel tells us to have FAITH. And FAITH is the realization of what we hoped for and evidence of things not seen. (Heb. 11:1) The Gospel we proclaim is, and should be, the Good News. When we are weak, helpless, and desperate, we realize that nothing and no one can heal us except Jesus. When we are desperately in need of healing, know that God is there, always there. Do not let our foolish pride hinder our need for God.

Jesus took Jairus and the three disciples when He entered the room and raised the girl to life. This particular action of Jesus tells us the importance of community FAITH, aside from personal faith. Yes, let us draw strength, encouragement, and inspiration from one another. We journey to the heart of God, not alone, but with our community of faith, because we need people who have faith to accompany us, in our journey. Remember, the Lord desires our healing, wellbeing, and happiness; have faith in God.