Pentecost Moment

05-19-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

Today, the Solemnity of Pentecost, we celebrate the Birthday of the Church, the coming of the Holy Spirit that transpired ten (10) days after the Ascension of Our Lord. We go back to the scene when the disciples of Jesus with the Blessed Mother were inside the Upper Room, the Cenacle. Suddenly, they heard from the sky a strong wind that shook the Cenacle,and tongues of fire appeared and settled on those who were there.

In the silence of the upper room, the first Pentecost Moment happened as they quivered in fear, doubt, and anticipation of what all these things mean and what will happen. But deep in their hearts, something awakens all the memories of Our Lord Jesus Christ came back, especially the most recent events of the resurrection, His many appearances to the disciples, and his glorious Ascension into heaven. The Gospel today describes the memory of Jesus saying: Wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will remind you of everything I have taught you. He is your advocate, teacher, and your everything.

Awakened from their slumber, they relived the moment Jesus stood before them in the Cenacle, showed His hands and side, and gently said, Peace be with you! To remove their fears and at the same time to commission them: As the FATHER has sent me, so I send you. Jesus knew how feeble they were without Him. He gave them the power to FORGIVE in His Spirit: Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, whose sins you retain are retained.

Pentecost Moment happens again and again in many ways to this day. There is a story of a sick man confined to a hospital bed. The doctors informed him of the seriousness of his illness, which would require surgery and a long and painful recovery process. That night, alone in the dark hospital room, despite the thick blanket that covered him, he shivers in fear, realizing his mortality is real. For the first time in many years, a memory awakens deep in his heart, and he starts to pray to God, whom he has forgotten in many years: My Lord and my God have mercy on me, a sinner. Suddenly, Jesus was there in the room. Not a memory, not a vision, but a powerful, irresistible presence that spoke: As the FATHER loves me, so I love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandment, you will remain in my love. As the night turned into day, the room in his heart brightened. The light of the Holy Spirit entered his heart despite its doors being closed for so many years. Through the little light, he saw a glimpse of his past, how he prioritized nonessential things in life, turned everything upside down, and made material things a top priority instead of seeking first The Kingdom of God. He has been struggling to be in control of his life instead of letting GO and letting GOD. After the long and painful recovery process, that single Pentecost Moment changed the man. He finally realized one simple truth: the earlier he lets go of control and lets God be in control, the better.

Pentecost is a time for renewal. We are all reminded of the mandate Jesus left His disciples: Go to the whole world and proclaim the Good News, not only in WORDS but more so in ACTION. Today, He assures His disciples not only of His presence but also empowers them with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Let us not forget this tremendous gift the Risen Lord has given us, the Holy Spirit. Lord, thank you for reminding us that without the Holy Spirit, we are nothing and can do nothing.