The Lord’s Vineyard

09-27-2020Weekly Reflection

In the 1st reading, Isaiah says that the Lord has chosen and made Israel His vineyard. The Lord has chosen property on a fertile hillside and converted it into a vineyard. But the Lord was disappointed because the vineyard produced wild grapes and did not bear the desired fruits.

During the last days of the Lord in Jerusalem, Matthews narrated three (3) parables about the guilt of Israel: (1) Parable of the Two Sons (Mt. 21:2832), (2) Parable of the Tenant (Mt. 21: 3345), (3) Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Mt. 22:114). The parable today was about the tenants of the vineyard who refused to hand over the fruits. Thus, the landowner turned it over to another tenant. In the same way, the Jewish leadership turned over to the Apostles and the Synagogue to the Church.

The Vineyard of the Lord

1. God loves us. God expressed this love in different images. He is our Father, and we are His sons. He has chosen Israel as His bride, and He is the Husband. God loves Israel like a vinedresser loves his vineyard, the first time this is introduced is in (Is. 5:17). The vinedresser invested so much love in the vineyard. Just as God has invested so much to Israel as His chosen people. Israel did not have a special claim for such love, but God chose them. I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you; you became mine.

2. He loved us first. Because He loved us, we can love Him in return. A vinedresser expects his vineyard to bear fruit in return. To own a vineyard is to expect grapes that produce wine. God chose Israel as His vineyard, but now, we are the new vineyard of God. Not because we are worthy but because He loves us. If we are good tenants, we produce fruits. If we do not produce fruit, we are useless, good to be thrown away, and be burned, a reminder for all of us to be faithful to our calling.

3. We are Tenants of the Vineyard. The responsibility is great; as stewards of the vineyard, God gave us a choice lot that is complete. God the landowner planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it, dug a winepress in it, and built a tower. If the tenant does not live up to the responsibility, remit honestly on time, the Lord will remove the tenant and put another tenant who will give him the worth of His vineyard.

4. We are responsible for the things God has given us. Because of the talents and gifts given to us, it is our responsibility to share this with others. Israel received this responsibility, constantly reminded by the prophets. The Lord is kind, merciful, and generous but what He cannot tolerate is mocking Him. The Lord demands the proper use of our Godgiven talents or gifts. He expects fruits from us.

5. Being a Christian is a gift from God. Like a lighthouse, the reflector must reflect the light properly, in the right direction for ships at sea to be guided safely to the port. So, it is with the Christian life. We must reflect the light of Christ so that we can lead others safely to Christ. If we witness Christ's light properly, those with whom we have contact with will not go astray but continue with the right path to Christ. Let us beg on our knees for the gift of the Holy Spirit, for renewal and awareness of our Christian responsibilities, to bear fruit, abundantly. At the end of this life, we hand over to God the fruits of our labor in His vineyard.