God Sees the Heart

08-29-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

The 1st reading tells us to observe the letter of the law, while the Gospel emphasizes the "spirit" of the law. Jesus cites the hypocrisy of the Pharisees for insisting on human tradition while neglecting the more important demands of the "spirit" of the law. The 2nd reading, by chance, also fits in: A command to be doers of the Will of God, walking our talk.

Whenever we deal with laws and regulations, there are two extremes. The first are those who do not want any laws, rules, and regulations. People want to be free of institutions or establishments because they are also forms of rules and regulations. Second, there are so many rules and regulations that do not make sense, laws that do not serve the people and have become burdens, that leaves no room for personal decisions and freedom. But more often, the truth lies in the middle.

Jesus tells His listeners that the spirit of the Jewish purification laws is to keep the people closer to God; by avoiding harmful contact with pagans. Following the rituals should move them to greater reverence to God and the sacred things of the liturgy and religious life. Jesus abolishes all purification laws of food; thus, no food can be considered unclean. Nothing that enters a man from outside can make him impure; that which comes out of him, and only that, constitutes impurity. Sins make us unclean; they originate from our hearts and will, not from food. True purity means avoiding all forms of sins: Those that offend God and those the hurt our neighbor.

The Scribes and the Pharisees are acknowledged experts and guardians of the law. They should have known that the spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law. Unfortunately, they completely missed and lost the real meaning of the law. They emphasize more the external details of the law, fueled by their arrogance and pride. But in their hearts, the commandments of love of God and love of neighbor are practiced not. Jesus criticizes their hypocrisy: These people pay me lip service, but their heart is far from me. But He is not just speaking to the Pharisees but also to us. He explains that true purity means faithfulness to the Word of God, which is the matter of the heart. Love matters, just as the heart matters.

Gospel allows us to examine our following of the laws of God: internal obedience over external observances. Not to allow religion to be just set of rules, regulations, and even rituals to be followed, but rather, a way of loving God and neighbor. The Lord urges us to go beyond external observance of laws and seek a true conversion of the heart. He tells us about the importance of the heart. Words and actions are fruits of the purity of our hearts. Because in the end, God sees the heart. Let us not disregard or belittle matters of the heart, for the heart matters.