Gifts received, Give as Gift

06-18-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Bing Colasito

We all have gifts; people notice them and tell us: You know, you have a gift! At times we say, how so? Often, we feel a bit uncomfortable and even embarrassed by the compliment. I’ve learned from my former Pastor (Fr. Chuck Kieffer) to say; Thank you and appreciate any form of praise or affirmation from others. But also, I am aware that everything I am and who I am now is a gift from God. Freely you received, freely give (Mt. 10:8b). Even in moments; when I speak or use the possessive tense (my, mine), deep inside, I am fully aware that there is nothing and no one I can claim as mine. My breath, the palpitations of my heart, all the functioning of my internal organs to keep me healthy all the senses of touch, smell, hearing, taste, and my whole being are all gifts from the Almighty Creator.

How often have we taken these gifts for granted until we lose these senses or when they begin to malfunction? As we grow old, our 20/20 vision starts to blur. Not until I was 40 years old; did I take that seriously. When I was in my early forties came the reading glasses and without any problem with distance vision, but now, I have progressed to progressive lenses. For some, it’s the sense of hearing that deteriorate. We take for granted many things and people until we lose them. It’s sad that sometimes how much we appreciate family members meant to us come to us late, like our parents, brothers, and sisters and saddest when they come only after they are gone. Remember: Life is a gift from God, and it is divine.

All our talents are a gift from God what we do about it; our purpose is our gift back to God. Even the desire to fulfill that purpose is a gift from God. Think about it; a gift is not for oneself but for the benefit of others. The blessing of our senses: seeing, hearing, touch, and smell are all good for the body. Yes! Everything is a gift from God. God created us; instilled is the capacity to know Him better, love Him, and serve Him more faithfully. The truth is: Possessions, talents, relationships, health, all our luxuries, and the country we live in are gifts God unconditionally gives all of us.

In the Gospel, Jesus Himself is the gift of the FATHER shares graces with the Apostles. Jesus gives them the power to expel unclean spirits and commissions them to go to the lost sheep of Israel to proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand. He commands them to heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead, and expel demons. And before leaving, He reminds them: THE GIFTS YOU RECEIVED, GIVE AS GIFT. They recall the events at Pentecost when Jesus empowers them with the gift of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, fear of the Lord, and piety for them to become a gift to others.

The essence of God’s love is self-gift. God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son. The Son, Jesus Christ, loved us that He gave us His Body and Blood; so, we can become more and more like Him. To be united with us, to live with us, and to give us life. Followers of Jesus show their love to Him by giving themselves to the Body of Christ, the Church community. In the same way, the whole creation is a gift from God and must be a gift to others. The gift that we receive - give as a gift to others.